“There were some
lines he could not cross. He couldn’t murder the people he had been charged
with protecting. He couldn’t play God and sacrifice one of his countrymen in
the hope of saving others.”
—Alex Berenson,
Faithful Spy
“After so much
violence, killing came to him naturally. He always imagined that he could take
off the killer’s mask as he wished. But he found the mask had become his face.”
—Alex Berenson,
The Secret Soldier
From these
epigraphs, it might appear that John Wells, a sometimes CIA operative,
sometimes a freelancer, a Special Ops soldier and the chief protagonist in Alex
Berenson’s seven thrillers from 2006 to 2013 (with another to be released in
2014), is a close cousin to Jack Bauer, the antihero of the television series 24. In reality, Wells is a much more
complicated and layered character. We first encounter him in Faithful Spy (2006, all of his novels
are published by G. P. Putnam’s & Sons) as a deep cover jihadist who has
spent ten years in Afghanistan, speaks perfect Arabic and Pashtun, has endured
privations and the cold and has converted to Islam in order to become the first
(and only) CIA mole to penetrate Al Qaeda. It is 2001 and he is fighting
American troops. To establish contact for the first time with them, he
kills fellow jihadists and has the American officer shoot him in the arm so
that his story as the sole survivor of an American attack will have credibility
with Al Qaeda. The then No. 2, Ayman-al-Zawahiri, trusts him enough to send him
to the States to assist a master spy who is putting together plans for a
massive attack. Not knowing the details, the rest of the novel recounts how Wells
uncovers this plot and prevents a plague bacterium and “dirty” nuclear device
from exploding, a potential catastrophe that would have far more devastating
than 9/11. Yet because of his extensive training and lethal instincts, he is
able to accomplish these Herculean feats, despite serious assaults on his own
body, with assistance coming from only his handler and his love interest,
Jennifer Exley, who works in the CIA. The bureaucrats in the organization
mistrust Wells because he is at best a loose cannon, at worst a turncoat, a
Kurtz-like figure who has gone over to the heart of darkness. If he was that
close to Al-Qaeda, he should have provided the intelligence that might have
averted the 9/11 attacks. His determination to redeem himself for that failure
is chiefly what motivates his derring-do deeds.
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Alex Berenson |
From this brief summary, readers might be suspicious that Berenson, a former New York Times correspondent who spent parts of 2003 and 2004 in Iraq covering the war and filtering his experience into his novels, is primarily interested in imaging scenarios of how America might be drawn into a major war with stateless actors or a foreign power, crises that can only be averted by the actions of super-warrior Wells, with intelligence and technological assistance from his CIA handler. At one level, they would be right. In his next novel, The Ghost War (2008) imagines a future clash with the Chinese when the abstemious head of the People’s Liberation Army attempts to engineer a limited war with America and exploit that war as a pretext for overthrowing the free market-orientated members in the Party elite so that he can redistribute the nation's wealth in a more equitable fashion. In The Right Man (2009), Islamist militants steal Russian nuclear warheads that are to be detonated in Washington during the State of the Union address that is designed to draw the US into a war with Russia. In The Secret Soldier (2009) the terrain shifts to Saudi Arabia where an Islamist terrorist group enacts a series of attacks, an assassination of a House of Saud family member, and a kidnapping of the American ambassador with the goal of inciting a war between America and the Muslim world. Wells takes on a freelance assignment in an attempt to defuse another impending catastrophe.

While critiquing
the Berenson novels, Showtime's television
espionage thriller, Homeland came to mind.
Since the first season was reviewed in Critics at Large by Susan Green, my purpose is not to assess the aesthetic strengths
of this series but to compare it with the novels, particularly the motivation
of some of the characters. Consider for instance, how grief, murderous rage and the need for
revenge propel the actions of both the novels and the drama. In Homeland, an
American Marine sergeant, Nicholas Brody, has been held as a prisoner of war in
Afghanistan where he has been physically and psychologically tortured for years
until he is rescued in a Delta mission. Through a series of powerful flashbacks
we witness that abuse, his conversion to Islam and his entry into the household
of Abu Nazir to teach his son English. A loving bond is developed between Brody
and the boy that is in sharp contrast between the boy and his emotionally distant father. An
American drone strike kills Afghan children, including the son of Abu Nazir. The
father uses the tragedy to manipulate Brody's grief by turning him so that
when he returns to America, he will take revenge for
the US military drone program that has killed Afghan citizens. Whether Brody
will carry out this mission creates the tension driving the first season. Whether
he has abandoned this desire for revenge also animates, albeit in a more subtle
way, the second season.
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Carrie Matheson (Clare Danes) and Nicholas Brody (Damien Lewis) |
In what perhaps is the most interesting of the novels—it is both a thriller and a gripping murder mystery, and Wells in this installment is an investigator rather than an uber warrior—The Midnight House of the title is a secret interrogation site in Poland, a joint Army CIA operation established for the purpose of extracting actionable intelligence from high value detainees. Apart from applying physical pain that would leave marks, the interrogation team is free to use whatever methods they deem necessary. As one of the interrogators says, “For interrogation to succeed, detainees had to feel—not just understand but feel that they were beaten.” The team does extract information so volatile, about an assassination (that did take place in the real world) that it would never become public knowledge. (Berenson has estimated that two-thirds of this novel could be classified as nonfiction.) The experience at Midnight House for one team member was so devastating that this person underwent a breakdown and committed suicide shortly after returning to America. The principal story line begins about a year later with a series of systematic murders of individuals who participated in this operation. Again, the motive of the perpetrator is revenge born out of grief.
In subsequent
novels, Midnight House (it helps to read the novels in chronological order) becomes a touchstone for
John Wells: after he uncovers what happened in these interrogation chambers and
its shattering consequences, he acknowledges that torture was a line he could never
cross. Nor could he resort to assassination. But he still carries a high price for the extensive violence
that he has inflicted upon America’s enemies and the pain he has endured from
gunshot wounds, biological infection and torture. The physical damage done to
his body does heal but he continues to suffer from the bruising psychological
effects. At the same time when he is honest with himself, he realizes that when
he is on a mission he feels most alive,
and whatever emotional turmoil he is undergoing must be put on hold until the
mission is complete and he is back home. That includes his love relationships
which he will sacrifice if it means giving up working in a field operation.
Wells' need to put the mission first is in sharp contrast with the focus of the creators of Homeland who believe that dramatizing the
emotional health of its central characters should consume greater energy than
the politics of terrorism and counter terrorism. This is not to say that geopolitical
realities and the well being of veterans in stateside are ignored. Indeed, the deployment
of a drone in the first season and Israel’s bombing of five Iranian nuclear
sites with American assistance in the second season, and their repercussions,
are the catalysts for what follows. But Homeland's treatment of Middle Eastern
politics is superficial and at times callous. Listen to almost every word that
is emitted by the Vice President. (The President is nowhere to be seen.) Even the
trauma suffered by American veterans, except for a brief speech delivered by
Brody’s wife, Jessica, is slighted except when it dwells on Brody himself. There
is little in the series that explores, as Berenson does, the frustration of
returning veterans at the indifference of the American public. A veteran will
be called a hero, people will offer to buy him a beer but their eyes will glaze
over if he attempts to talk honestly about his experience. Instead, the
producers of this show decided that their audience could be best engaged by concentrating
upon character and personal relationships. When veterans do gather together,
their conversation is mostly about Brody.
And Brody is compelling as we witness the fallout of the conflicting
demands that are placed on him. It is no wonder that he comes close to
experiencing a catatonic breakdown.
In this way,
Brody is a mirror image to his bĂȘte noir/love interest, Carrie Matheson, the
bipolar, extraordinarily intuitive CIA operative in Counter
Intelligence. She suspects almost from the beginning that Brody is jihadist sleeper
and that he could commit a major terrorist attack at any time. But hardly anyone believes her and by the end of
the first season, she is being subjected to horrific shock treatments after her
psychological meltdown. In the second season, she appears to have been
vindicated in her suspicions, but her relationship with Brody oscillates
between being his enemy and his lover. Their scenes together are riveting (if
sometimes a tad implausible) and therein resides the conundrum of the series.
Although billed as a realistic espionage thriller, it feels more like a
psychological drama that is essentially apolitical. We are far more invested in
their emotional lives and their relationship than the larger issues that are briefly
referenced. It is not as though television dramas cannot explore
geopolitical conditions. Britain’s MI5 was
a powerful series in which the threats to national and international security
always took priority over personal relationships. To derive the most satisfaction, it helped if the viewer was reasonably informed about global politics. I will continue to watch Homeland as I find its characters fascinating and the drama
addictive but I will not be looking for insights into the American security state or specific
international tensions. For that I await the next John Wells thriller that deals
with Iran.
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